Hi, Here is my WB, only a couple of weeks after installing OS3.5. Up until the upgrade, I was running OS3.0, with MCP, and many other small hacks- this was quite unstable, and in many ways, I'm pleased to be rid of it. Most of the programs I have are available from Aminet, and where known, an AFCD number is in brackets after the program name. (Sorry, some do go back quite a bit) Firstly, my computer is an A1200 AGA, OS3.5, with Apollo 1240 40 accelerator, 32Mb RAM, 8x CD ROM and all hanging about in an Eyetech tower. On to the the WB itself, then- I run at a resolution of 640x 512 Interlace, 16 colours, with MagicTV2 (23) to avoid interlace blindness and a special low colour palette (included) concocted by my mate James, who is quite good at that sort of thing. I have found this palette suitable for most internet browsing and backdrops, resorting to Visage (46) for picture viewing or flickeree display for colourful websites.The backdrop comes from the OS3.5 CD- I didn't include it in case it was copyrighted. Starting bottom left, the visible tools are the appicon for Dropview, by S.M. Eckles, which activates good ol' AFCDView, the appicon for Virus Checker 2.3 (46) by Alex van Niel, the button for E-CD 1.2 (30) by Chris Haynes, and bottom right, we have TolleUhr (32) by M. Fleischer and G. Niki. Also running, are Screentab (27) by Micheal Link, which provides a Windoze-like screen selector bar and start menu when you move the mouse to the bottom of the screen (One of Gates' few good ideas), RAWBInfo, as from the PD section in AF131, FBlit (37) to cut down chip mem useage, IDEFix 97 for CD access, and of course, MUI. I use Miami (Shamefully unregistered as yet), YAM, AWeb/IBrowse 2 and mFTP for internet access, and OS3.5s PlayCD for Audio CDs. That's about all I can say. -Sandy Brownlee E-Mail: sandy@brownlee99.freeserve.co.uk Pathetic Website: www.brownlee99.freeserve.co.uk